Archived Films

Friday December 2nd, 2022 – Eating Our Way To Extinction


Out Event:
   Date: Friday December 2nd
   Venue: South Surrey Recreation and Arts Centre, 14601 20 Ave, Surrey
   Time: Doors open at 6:00PM, Film starts at 6:30PM

This feature-length documentary, narrated and executive produced by Academy Award® winning actress Kate Winslet, is a hard-hitting and visually stunning cinematic experience that showcases how simple changes to the way we eat can help halt catastrophic climate change and restore our planet.
This entertaining and surprising documentary will challenge the way you look at the food industry. If food costs the Earth, who pays the price? Featuring shocking undercover footage and poignant first-hand accounts from indigenous people, this one-of-a-kind documentary will permanently change your perception of food and its connection to the future of our
With Earth Day around the corner, this film is the perfect watch to highlight the urgency needed to protect our planet, unearthing key statistics such as:
– An estimated one million animal species are at risk of extinction, many within decades, according to a recent UN report
– By 2030 the world will be facing a 40% global water deficit
– Cattle ranching accounts for 80% of the Amazon’s deforestation
– Methane’s impact is now so great that the Earth will warm by 1.4°–2°C by 2030 whether or not CO2 emissions are reduced.

Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop, Former Principal Scientist, Queensland Government, who appears in the documentary comments: “If we don’t act now, there could be No Earth Day by 2045. Scientists have predicted that in just over two decades, species loss will be so great that we won’t recover, the Earth will suffer ecological collapse and the most impactful thing
you and I can do to stop this, is to change our diets.”

World-renowned scientific experts featured in Eating Our Way To Extinction include Dr Sylvia Earle, explorer and former Chief Scientist of NOAA; Prof. Olivier de Schutter, former United Nations Special Rapporteur; Dr. Marco Springmann, Senior Researcher on Environmental Sustainability, University of Oxford; Jeremy Rifkin, economic and political
advisor; Prof. Peter Wadhams, Head of Polar Ocean Physics Group, University of Cambridge; Joseph Poore, Environment and Agriculture Researcher, University of Oxford; Dr. Tara Garnett, Head of Food Climate Research Network, University of Oxford; Dr. Michael Greger, physician and researcher; Prof. Arjen Hoekstra, water management expert, University of Twente, Netherlands; and Dr. Penelope Lindeque, Senior Research Scientist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
The documentary is co-directed by Otto and Ludovic Brockway and produced by Kian Tavakkoli, Mark Galvin and Ludovic Brockway of Broxstar Productions. Executive Producers on the film include Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Magnus Hollo, Ivan Orlic of Seine
Pictures, Lauren Mekhael, James Wilks, Joseph Pace and Susan Vitka. Featuring a wealth of world-renowned contributors, including Sir Richard Branson and Tony Robbins, it has a message of hope that will empower audiences. For fans of The Game Changers, Racing Extinction and The Inconvenient Truth, this is the next must-watch documentary for anyone interested in the future of our planet, and for those who want to gain a further understanding of the true cost of what we eat.